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LAHTI UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Degree programme in Business Information Technology Thesis Spring 2011 Nguyen, Huu Vinh

Lahti University of Applied Sciences Degree programme in Business Information Technology NGUYEN, HUU VINH:

Critical Success Factors for ERP Adoption Process Case: Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company

Bachelor‟s Thesis in fulfillment of the Bachelor of Business Information Technology, 65 pages, 9 pages of appendices. Spring 2011 ABSTRACT

Since Vietnam officially joined WTO in 2007, many organizations have been increasing their needs in restructuring their operations and seeking for a total business solution as a significant strategic tool of competition. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is designed to meet this need; however, there have been many failed attempts at implementing an ERP system. The aim of this research is to examine what critical success factors impact on the ERP adoption process. The thesis chose Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (Vinamilk), a leading company in manufacturing dairy products in Vietnam, as the case company. Data was collected from different sources such as interviews, the project‟s documentations, the company‟s reports and small-scale survey. The results indicate the critical success factors for the ERP adoption of Vinamilk. Therefore, this study is beneficial to other Vietnamese companies‟ managers who plan to invest in ERP projects. Besides, this paper can be beneficial to those managers who failed to manage the ERP adoption process. Next, the findings are good reference for novice consultants who need in-depth knowledge of ERP. Finally, this thesis is helpful to those who are interested in ERP adoption in Vietnam. Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Critical Success Factors (CSFs), ERP adoption process, ERP implementation success, Vietnam.


Throughout this bachelor thesis, there are many people that I would like to acknowledge for their continuing support and valuable advice.

Foremost, I would like to express my huge gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Torsti Rantapuska of Lathi University of Applied Sciences for believing in me and guiding me during the work. It has been an honor to be your student and I could not have done this study without you and your insights. Your expertise and competence is tremendous. Secondly, I would like to thank lecturer Keith O‟Hiobhaird and lecturer Antti Salopuro for improving my research‟s quality in both language and format.

Next, I would like to thank the interviewees for taking their precious time and providing valuable empirical foundation in order for me to conduct this research.

Finally, I would like to thank my family and my friends for caring and helping me during the entire process of doing this research.

March 2011 Nguyen, Huu Vinh








Research background



Research question and objectives



Scopes and limitations





Research purpose



Research strategy



Choice of method: qualitative or quantitative?



Data collection



Data analysis



Validity and reliability








ERP definition



Benefits of implementing an ERP system



ERP adoption process



ERP implementation approach



ERP implementation success and why it is critical





Critical success factors approach



CSFs for ERP adoption



Conceptual framework



Discussions on identified CSFs



Visioning and planning



Top management support and commitment



Change management



IT infrastructure



ERP teamwork and composition



BPR and minimal customization



External competence and partnership



End-users: involement, education and training







Company background



ERP project description



Decision planning phase



Acquisition phase



Implementation phase



Use and maintenance phase



CSFs analysis



Visioning and planning



Top management support and commitment



Change management



IT infrastructure



ERP teamwork and composition



BPR and minimal customization



External competence and partnership



End-users: involvement, education and training



Statistical results








Discussion and recommendations



Discussion of the method






Further research studies








Business Intelligence


Business Process Change


Business Process Reengineering


Critical Success Factors


Enterprise Resource Planning


Information System


Information Technology




Return on Investment

Oracle EBS

Oracle E Business Suite


Small and Medium sized Enterprises


Unified Modeling Language


The United States


World Trade Organization



Convergence of multiple sources of evidence.



Components of qualitative data analysis – Interactive model.



Anatomy of an ERP system.



An ERP adoption process.



Linkages between organization size and complexity and implementation approach used.



Linkages between organization hierarchy and control and implementation approach used.



ERP implementation success model.



A critical success factors model with strategic and tactical




Classification of CSFs in the ERP adoption process.


FIGURE 10. The conceptual framework.


FIGURE 11. ERP implementation success applied.


FIGURE 12. Collecting money process in the accounts receivable module of the Oracle EBS system.




Provided details of main interviewees.



Sample group for interviews.



Frequency analysis of CSFs in literature.



Review on CSFs for ERP adoption.



Plan for implementing the Oracle EBS system of Vinamilk.



Actual results after successful implementation.



Factor 1 – Visioning and planning.



Factor 2 – Top management support and commitment.



Factor 3 – Change management.



Factor 4 – IT infrastructure.



Factor 5 – ERP teamwork and composition.



Factor 6 – BPR and minimal customization.



Factor 7 – External competence and partnership.



Factor 8 – End-users: involvement, education and training.



Frequency of CSFs in the Vinamilk‟s ERP project.


12 2 l k 1


l k

In a fiercely competitive business environment as today, business strategy plays a l crucial role in both determining success and governing business survival. An


effective business strategy should focus on intensive and efficient use of


information technology, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Ank ERP system is a strategic tool that integrates all data and business processes from k different departments into one single computer system. Therefore, the ERP systeml is the very infrastructure of how business operates and it is also the platform for k future business expansion (Dave Caruso 2003, 1). l k This study deals with the question of what are the critical success factors (CSFs) l for adopting an ERP project or how to adopt the ERP project successfully. k Instantly, you may think that this thesis is only useful for those persons that are


directly involved in ERP projects such as project managers, top managers or


technical staffs. However, this topic also concerns a wide range of people.

2 2

First of all, the topic is a specific example of the question of how to do a task successfully that we usually face in real life. Through this study, you may realize the importance of what are so-called „critical success factors‟ in planning your tasks. Second, ERP systems are currently a trend and have been widely implemented by various organizations such as governmental agencies, companies and even Universities. It means that your future jobs may be involved with ERP systems, so why not to get familiar with their concepts from now? Furthermore, ERP projects are costly and time-consuming. Their successes or failures can have impact on not only organization‟s operations but also its entire staffs. Therefore, finding the answers to how to adopt ERP systems successfully is extremely important. This study is an effort to achieve that by identifying the CSFs for adopting ERP systems which corresponds with Vietnamese companies, categorizing them into the respective phases in the ERP adoption process model, and examining the importance of these factors in the real ERP project in Vietnam.


This research is divided into seven chapters: introduction, research approach, research methodology, ERP systems, review on CSFs in ERP adoption, case study and summary and recommendations. Firstly, the introduction introduces you the thesis‟s topic. Research approach provides the background of the problem, motivations to do this research, its scope and limitations. Next, the research methodology states how the research is processed to find the results. The fourth chapter gives some focused areas of the ERP terminology used in this study such as definitions, benefits, and its adoption process and implementation‟s tasks. Fifthly, CSFs in ERP adoption provides definitions of CSFs, their findings in ERP adoption projects in previous research studies and later; eight CSFs are identified for discussion and further analysis in the case study. Later, the empirical data collected is described and analyzed. Finally, summary and recommendations summarize the whole research and its findings as well as give recommendations and further research studies.

3 2



Research background

Nowadays, ERP systems have been widely implemented to obtain competitive advantage for companies. The major ERP vendors are SAP AG, Oracle and Microsoft. ERP systems help to improve business processes and reduce costs. Furthermore, the system can connect with suppliers, distributors, and customers, facilitating the flow of product and information. Nevertheless, there still exist numerous challenges in adopting ERP systems.

In practice, implementing an ERP system is costly, time-consuming and complex. According to the ERP 20101 report released by Panorama Consulting Group (2010, 3), the average of ERP implementation took 18.4 months with total owner‟s cost2 of 6.2 million of US dollars. In the same period, 35.5% of ERP implementation took longer than expected, 51.4% of them went over budget and 40% of companies realized major operational disruptions after implementation golive.

In Asian developing countries, the rate of ERP adoption was very low and several years behind advanced countries (Rajapakse & Seddon 2005, 1; Ngai et al. 2008, 12). Until February 2010, there were about 100 Vietnamese companies that already adopted ERP systems, and the number was anticipated to increase significantly. This result came from a report released on the website http://eac.vn on March 2010 which was attached in appendix 1 at the end of this thesis. The modest number above derived from the high failure rate of 70% - 80% of previous ERP projects based on statistic in 2006 (ERP implementation projects: how to avoid failure, 2006).


: The study surveyed respondents from nearly 1,600 organizations that had implemented ERP systems within the last four years. 2 : The costs of the software, hardware, professional services (for ongoing maintenance, upgrades and optimization) and internal costs depend on the number of users, complexity of the solution, the ERP vendors and the implementation locations.

4 Thus, the difficulties and high failure rate in adopting ERP systems have been widely attracted many researchers to discover critical success factors for ERP adoption. Holland and Light (1999) are among the first authors to discuss the issue (Holland & Light 1999, 31). Through comprehensive literature review, Ngai et al. (2008, 14) indicate that much of the research focused on Western nations while there has been lack of research on the success or failure of ERP adoption in developing regions/countries. With the development of ERP systems, it becomes more and more powerful with high risks. All the researchers wish to find some successful factors to generalize experience. Beside, some other motivations for exploring this topic are as following:

Firstly, ERP implementation projects in Vietnam are developing intensively: The term ERP was known in Vietnam before the country joined WTO in 2007. However, only after that moment did more and more companies realize their needs of implementing ERP systems. There have been more companies pursuing ERP systems as they grow more along with the Vietnamese economy.

Secondly, there is a need to enhance ERP adoption success in Vietnam: The numbers of failed ERP projects in Vietnamese companies most dominated over successful ones. Remarkably, some companies attempted to implement the ERP system many times, but still unsuccessfully. This influenced on psychology of other managers who planned to invest in the project for their companies.

Finally, ERP success and related critical factors: ERP adoption varies from size of companies to geographical locations. Even though there have been many failed ERP projects in Vietnam, formal efforts to determine their success and underlying causes have been very limited. This paper aims to reduce the gap in literature about CSFs in ERP adoption worldwide and more importantly, it aims to be one of the first academic research studies on CSFs in ERP adoption in Vietnam.

5 2.2

Research question and objectives

Defining the research question is probably the most important step in a research study (Yin 2003, 7). This study aims to find the answers for the question: What are the critical success factors for the ERP adoption process?

The question is answered through the following methods: -

Conducting an in-depth literature review and developing theories for analysis (deductive research).


Collecting empirical data from the case study by interviewing different participants joining the ERP project, project‟s documentation and small-scale survey.


Using within-case analysis where the data collected is compared to theories.


Finding the results

The main objective of this research is to examine the ERP adoption in light of CSFs. Additionally, some secondary objectives are to:



Have better understanding the ERP project in real life.


Have better understanding the state of ERP adoption in Vietnam.


Give recommendations and suggest future research topics.

Scopes and limitations

The scope of this study is to examine CSFs for the ERP adoption of the Vietnamese company. In this thesis, the ERP adoption refers to the process from deciding to implement the ERP system to using it in normal operations in the company. Therefore, the implementation stage in the ERP adoption process is mainly focused in description and analysis because it is the main stage that influence on the success of ERP adoption. Likewise, both ERP implementation success and ERP system success refer to the success of ERP adoption. This thesis restricts its discussion and analysis on the proposed CSFs in literature reiview.

6 Since the case is a large organization in Vietnam, this study would be most beneficial to other large Vietnamese companies. However, the findings can also be helpful to SMEs since they have fewer obstacles in adopting ERP systems than large ones. Moreover, this study is not limited in manufacturing industry because CSFs discovered in this study are also applicable to other fields in the economy.

7 3


Methodological insight gives an audience a better understanding of previously conducted research and how to proceed in future. (Gammelgaard 2004, 480) This chapter states how the research is processed to find the results. Research purpose is discussed in the first section. Then, research strategy is explained in section 3.2. Section 3.3 gives the choice of research methods. Next, the process of collecting and analysis empirical data is described. Finally, validity and reliability measures of this thesis are described.


Research purpose

In terms of research purpose, the threefold one of exploratory, descriptive and explanatory is the most often used in the research methods' literature (Saunders et al. 2009, 139). One research may have more than one purpose and the purpose may also change over time (Robson 2002, according to Saunders et al. 2009, 139). An exploratory study is used “to find out what is happening; to seek new insights; to ask questions and to assess phenomena in a new light” (Robson 2002, 59). Exploratory study is particularly useful to develop an initial and rough understanding of a problem and it is applicable for new topic. It employs an open, flexible and inductive approach to find all relevant data on the problem (Blanche et al. 2006, 44). A descriptive study is objected “to portray an accurate profile of persons, events or situations” (Robson 2002, 59). It may be either an extension of a piece of exploratory research or a piece of explanatory research (Saunders et al. 2009, 140). Descriptive research is often used to answer the questions who, what, where, when and how.

An explanatory study is used to establish causal relationships between variables and its analysis is on studying a situation or a problem in order to explain the

8 relationships between variables (Saunders et al. 2009, 140). Normally, this kind of study answers the questions why and what.

With regard to this thesis, the research purpose is mainly explanatory and partly descriptive. It is mainly explanatory because it explains how CSFs influence on the success of the ERP adoption process. It is partly descriptive because it is necessary to describe how the ERP system was implemented to have a clear picture of the problem. Besides, this thesis is somewhat exploratory because the author wishes to find out what was happening in the real ERP project in light of critical success factors.


Research strategy

Along with research approach, it is important to pay attention to research strategy that should be employed for the research. Saunders et al. (2009) consider seven types of research strategy as following: experiment, survey, case study, action research, grounded theory, ethnography and archival research (Saunders et al. 2009, 141). Each strategy can be used for exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory (Yin 2003, 3). The choice of research strategy depends on the research question and objectives, the extent of existing knowledge (Saunders et al. 2009, 141). Particularly, the case study has considerable ability to generate answers to the question why as well as what and how questions (Saunders et al. 2009, 146).

This thesis is designed as a case study because its purpose is to find information relating to what question. A case study uses an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence, and provided an opportunity for the intensive analysis of many specific details often overlooked by other methods (Robson 2002, 178; Kumar 2005, 113). According to Yin (2003, 15), there are at least five different applications of case studies: explanation, description, illustration, exploration and meta-evaluation (a study of an evaluation study).

9 3.3

Choice of method: qualitative or quantitative? By our pragmatic view, qualitative research does imply a commitment to field activities. It does not imply a commitment to innumeracy. (Kirk & Milner 1986, 10)

Quantitative method is often used for numerical data collection technique (questionnaires or structured interviews) or data analysis procedure (graphs or statistics) that results in numerical data (Dawson 2002, 15; Saunders et al. 2009, 152). It is used either to quantify the variation in a phenomenon, situation, and problem or to abstract from particular instances to seek general description or to test causal hypotheses (Gary King et al. 1994, 3; Kumar 2005, 12).

In contrast, qualitative research explores attitudes, behavior and experiences through such methods as interviews, observations, or focus groups to generate non-numerical results. It attempts to get in-depth opinions from participants, so it tends to take longer time than quantitative method (Dawson 2002, 15; Saunders et al. 2009, 152.) Qualitative method is typically more flexible than quantitative that it allows using open-ended questions rather than fixed ones. In that way, the participants can respond in their own words. (Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector‟s Field Guide, 4.)

Since there is lack of available data, qualitative method is most useful to the context of this bachelor thesis. Qualitative method flexibly supports explorative findings and in-depth knowledge of the current business practice (Gray 2009, 166). Additionally, quantitative data is collected as complementary tool for illustrating the results.


Data collection

According to Yin (2003, 99), multiple sources of evidence and triangulation are necessary for analyzing a case study. They can improve reliability and validity of the case evidence. He also highlights that “those case studies using multiple sources of evidence are rated more highly, in terms of their overall quality, than

10 those that rely on only single source of information”. In addition to theoretical data from published sources, the empirical data consists of the following sources: project documentation, company report, open-ended interviews and small-scale survey. The data is collected on February 2011. Figure 1 below reveals the convergence of multiple sources used in this single case study.

Project documentation

Company report


Open-ended interviews

Small-scale survey

FIGURE 1. Convergence of multiple sources of evidence (adapted from Yin 2003, 100).

Sample selection

The reason to choose Vinamilk as a case study is that the company is one of the first companies in Vietnam implemented ERP successfully and the benefits of ERP have been perceived. Moreover, the company reflects the common structure of other large enterprises in Vietnam. Ultimately, the company can be easily assessed to collect the empirical data.

Interview design

In this case study of Vinamilk, the interviews were conducted with several different participants within the company as well as the ERP implementer. An email interview with top managers and representative of the ERP implementer was importantly defined as a series of emails; each contains a small number of questions. The participants, based on the questions, expressed their thoughts and opinions. However, there were some difficulties in approaching intended

11 interviewees. Therefore, telephone interviews were sometimes replaced for email interviews. The data then was stored as notes for further analysis. In order to set up interviews, the targeted company – Vinamilk – was contacted and the participants responsible for the ERP project were identified. Below, list of main interviewees is presented in table 1.

TABLE 1. Provided details of main interviewees.

Interviewee Ms. Ngo

Organization Vinamilk Ltd

Position Vice president of Vinamilk, ERP project supervisor

Mr. Tran

Vinamilk Ltd

IT manager, ERP project manager

Mr. Nguyen

Pythis Ltd


In addition, small groups of cross-functional staffs participating in the project were interviewed. For these groups, the interviews were done by emails and instant messenger. Table 2 shows the details of sample groups for research.

TABLE 2. Sample group for interviews.


Number of interviewees











The interview questions were designed based on the identified CSFs in literature. It is also important to know the perceived benefits, possible challenges in using the new system. Those questions were attached in appendix 2 at the end of this

12 study. Furthermore, a questionnaire was sent to all the interviewees to find out how they evaluated the importance of identified CSFs to the success of the project. It was presented in appendix 3 of this thesis.


Data analysis

One of the least developed and most difficult aspects of doing case studies is the analysis of data collected. The best preparation for this task is to choose a general analytic strategy (Yin 2003, 109). In this case study, the strategy used was withincase analysis where the empirical data was compared with the theories or identified CSFs. In addition, the quantitative data was analyzed for illustrating the result.

Data collection

Data display

Data reduction

Conclusions: drawing, verifying

FIGURE 2. Components of qualitative data analysis – Interactive model (Miles & Huberman 1994, 10).

Firstly, the qualitative evidences were used to examine CSFs in the successful project. The analysis includes data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Data reduction was the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming the data. Its purpose was to organize the data, so that conclusions could be drawn and verified. Data display was to take the reduced data and displayed it in flowchart or other graphics that permitted conclusion drawing easily. Finally, the tasks in conclusion drawing process were to decide what things mean, note regularities, patterns, explanations, possible configurations, causal

13 flows and propositions. Figure 2 above illustrates the components of qualitative data analysis. (Miles & Huberman 1994, 11.)

Secondly, quantitative data collected was then synthesized to find the frequency of CSFs cited from small-scale survey. The purpose was to verify the importance of the identified CSFs to the ERP adoption process of Vinamilk. Also, the result indicated the most and least critical factors according to interviewees‟ perspectives. For this task, the statistical tool of Microsoft Excel was used.


Validity and reliability Validity and reliability have to be considered to reduce the risk of obtaining incorrect answers to research questions. (Chisnall 1997, 12)

Validity and reliability are two valuable factors to measure the quality of a research. Validity both concerns with whether the research conclusions are really about what they appear to be about and refers to how well a specific research method measures what it claims to measure (Chisnall 1997, 12; Saunders et al. 2009, 157). Reliability refers to the consistency of research findings. In other words, if another researcher follows the same procedures, he should get the same results. The goal of reliability is to minimize the errors and biases in a study (Yin 2003, 37.) It is important that all respondents understand the questions in the same way and their answers can be coded without the possibility of uncertainty (David Silverman 2001, 229.)

In order to deal with validity and reliability, this thesis used four sources of evidence from the case study. All the chosen interviewees were well-involved in the project, so their answers derived from their own experience. The time to conduct interviews was also flexible and dependent on interviewees‟ schedule, so they were comfortable to express their opinions. In addition, the list of references was made to store all the sources from which the data was collected.

14 4


This chapter provides some main background information about ERP systems such as definition, benefits, and ERP adoption process and implementation approach. It is also necessary to mention the success measurement for ERP implementation and explain why implementation success is critical.


ERP definition

Wallace and Kremzar (2001, 5) define an ERP system as: An enterprise-wide set of management tools that balances demand and supply, containing the ability to link customers and suppliers into a complete supply chain, employing proven business processes for decision making and providing high degrees of cross-functional integration among sales, marketing, manufacturing, operations, logistics, purchasing, finance, new product development and human resources, thereby enabling people to run their business with high levels of customer service and productivity and simultaneously lower costs and inventories; and providing the foundation for effective ecommerce. In figure 3 below, the ERP system is the central database.

FIGURE 3. Anatomy of an ERP system (Davenport 1998, 124).

15 4.2

Benefits of implementing an ERP system

According to Röthlin (2010, 104), Shang and Seddon (2003) classify the benefits of ERP systems into five dimensions with 21 sub-dimensions as following:


Operational: ERP systems are built to integrate and automate business processes. Therefore, they are expected to provide the benefits in terms of cost reduction, cycle time reduction, productivity improvement, quality improvement, customer service improvement.


Managerial: ERP systems may help the company to achieve better resource management, improved decision making and planning and performance improvement.


Strategic: ERP systems may support for strategic actions such as business growth, business alliance, building business innovations, building cost leadership, generating product differentiation (including customization) and building external linkages (customers and suppliers).


IT infrastructure: ERP systems provide building business flexibility for current and future changes, IT cost reduction and IT infrastructure capability improvement.


Organizational: ERP systems may support company‟s changes, facilitate business learning, empowerment and building common visions.


ERP adoption process

From literature review, it was noticed that there was no common viewpoints regarding the stages of adoption process. According to Placide et al. (2008, 533) the ERP adoption process has been identified between three and thirteen stages in literature. According to them, the ERP adoption process contains seven stages: decision, planning, search for information, selection, evaluation, choice and negotiation. However, this model cannot reflect the true meaning of the ERP adoption process.

16 Next, Pastor and Esteves (1999, 3) propose six phases for the lifecycle of adopting an ERP system: decision planning, acquisition, implementation, use & maintenance, evolution and retirement. In this thesis, the author proposes that ERP adoption in a company is a process from realizing the needs for a new ERP system, replacing old system(s) by that new system and obtaining intended benefits through using it in normal operations. Accordingly, the new model consists of four phases adapted from Pastor and Esteves (1999): decision planning, acquisition, implementation and use & maintenance. Figure 4 illustrates the ERP adoption process used in this study.





Use &



FIGURE 4. An ERP adoption process (adapted from Pastor & Esteves 1999, 3).

Decision planning phase This stage presents the business vision and planning of organization. Top managers have to fulfill the following activities. Firstly, they must analyze the needs and requirements for adopting an ERP system. Secondly, they should analyze the costs and expected benefits from ERP adoption. Lastly, feasibility study is needed to determine tentative impacts on the organization. (Pastor & Esteves 1999, 4.)

Acquisition phase The acquisition team is formed to choose the ERP package that best fits the requirements of the organization so that customization would be minimized. An ERP implementer is also selected. Terms and conditions in implementing contract are defined. It is also important to make an analysis of the return on investment (ROI) of the selected ERP package. Another important task is to investigate and evaluate the current IT infrastructure of company to consider whether it satisfies the requirements of the new ERP system or not. (Pastor & Esteves 1999, 4; Pastor & Bibiano 2006, 3.)


Implementation phase This stage is the most important phase in the ERP adoption process where the ERP system and business processes of the organization match each other. The role of consultants is so crucial in this stage because they provide implementation methodologies, know-how knowledge and training. (Pastor & Esteves 1999, 5.)

According to Theodor (2009, 14), some main tasks in this stage contain:


Formation of project team: consist of project manager, IT personnel, and end-users from all related departments/ levels, ERP consultant and steering committee that supervise the progress.


Preparation of implementation plan: a plan outlines the whole implementation process: goals, objectives of the system, timeline, cost and personnel resource, etc.


Gap Analysis: this step is designed to compare as is and to be analyses to determine what gaps exist between current company‟s processes and new processes that they want to have.


Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and customization: reengineered business processes are mapped on to the software; if possible make use of the standard functionalities the software offers, otherwise apply gap analysis


Create master data: all key information is standardized and unified.


Set up application, configuration and integration: the ERP system is installed and configured; then all modules are integrated.


System integration testing: important step that eliminates software bugs and other problems.


Data conversion or data migration: data is transferred from old systems to the ERP system in appropriate format and sequence.


Go live: the ERP system functions properly and replaces old systems.


User training: end-users are trained to know how to use the new system.


Use and maintenance phase This stage contains continuous user training, implementation evaluation, user satisfaction and usage intention. In this stage, benefits of the system are perceived. It also covers the report to analyze the expected ROI. Once a system is implemented, it must be maintained because of malfunctions, special optimization requests, and general systems improvements. (Pastor & Esteves 1999, 5; Pastor & Bibiano 2006, 5.)


ERP implementation approach

Big bang and phased are the two primary approaches for implementing an ERP system. A big bang approach is a deployment where at once old systems at all locations are upgraded to the new ERP system. In contrast, a phased approach is a deployment where modules of the ERP system are implemented in a sequence to replace the old systems gradually. (O‟Leary 2000, 151.)

The choice of implementation approach depends on organizational characteristics such as size, structure, complexity and controls of the organization. Often the big bang is suitable to smaller and less complex organizations whereas the phased approach is most used by larger and more complex ones. Besides, the more hierarchical (tall) with tighter controls an organization becomes, the more likely the phased approach is used. Figure 5, 6 below show the linkages between organizational characteristics and implementation approach used. (O‟Leary 2000, 157, 158.)

Complex Simple

Organization Complexity



Big Bang Large Small Organization size

FIGURE 5. Linkages between organization size and complexity and




Organization Structure

implementation approach used (O‟Leary 2000, 157).

Big Bang Tight Loose Extent of Controls

FIGURE 6. Linkages between organization hierarchy and control and implementation approach used (O‟Leary 2000, 158).

As compared with the big bang, the phased approach takes longer implementation time, higher total cost but lower risks, less personnel resource required during implementation. In addition, by using the phased approach, old systems can go back in case of the new ERP system would not work as expected and personnel can accumulate knowledge in one phase to improve the tasks in later phases. (O‟Leary 2000, 153.)

20 4.5

ERP implementation success and why it is critical

Companies can obtain a number of benefits through successful ERP implementation. On the contrary, the project can be a catastrophe for those companies that fail to manage the implementation process (Holland & Light 1999, 30.) Hence, the arising problem is to discover what characteristics define a successful ERP implementation.

Previous research studies show that the definition and measurement of the ERP adoption success is a thorny issue. According to Samiaah et al. (2010, 3), Atkinson (1999) proposes „the triangle model‟ for project success. His model consists of three factors in each angle, namely time, cost and quality. However, these basic criteria have been criticized because of being inadequate.

According to Esteves (2004, 37), some authors indicate that success depends on the viewpoints from which one measures it. For example, on time and within budget are often the success measurement of project managers and implementation consultants. However, business managers and end-users tend to focus on having a smooth transition to stable operations with the new system, achieving intended business improvements like inventory reductions, and gaining improved decision support capabilities.

More generally, according to Ifinedo (2008, 554), Ifinedo (2006a, b) and Ifinedo & Nahar (2006) proposed an ERP system success measurement model based on an extensive literature review and case studies. Their model includes system quality, information quality, individual impact, workgroup impact and organizational impact as presented in figure 7 below. In this thesis, the author adopts the viewpoint of Ifinedo and Nahar.


System quality ERP

Information quality


Individual impact


Workgroup impact Organizational impact

FIGURE 7. ERP implementation success model (Ifinedo 2008, 554).

All in all, ERP systems are commercial software packages that may cover all activities of an organization. Since the system touch many aspects of a company‟s internal and external operations, its successful deployment and use are critical to its performance and survival. In some unsuccessful cases, the ERP project led them to bankruptcy proceedings and litigations (Bicknell 1998, 3).

Moreover, implementing an ERP system is expensive, complex and too risky. In fact, 65% of executives believe that ERP systems have at least a moderate chance of hurting their business because of the potential for implementation problems (Umble & Umble 2002, 26). Despite of experiencing in information system (IS) implementation, those companies planning for the ERP project should take care of all aspects that may occur during the implementation stage.

22 5


This chapter provides some background information in the areas of CSFs in ERP adoption. Firstly, some definitions of CSFs are given. Then, theirs findings in literature are reviewed. Next, conceptual framework is illustrated. Finally, CSFs are discussed for further analysis.


Critical success factors approach

Daniel (1961) was the first author developed the concept of critical success factors as a basis for determining the information needs of managers (Amberg et al. 2005, 2). The idea was then popularized by Rockart (1979) and has since been used widely to help businesses implement their strategies and projects. He defined that: CSFs are the limited number of areas in which results, if they are satisfactory, would ensure successful competitive performance for the organization. They are the few key areas where things must go right for the business to flourish. If results in these areas are not adequate, the organization’s efforts for the period would be less than desired. (Rockart 1979, 85) He also summed up that CSFs are “areas of activity that should receive constant and careful attention from management”. According to Pinto and Slevin (1987), CSFs are “those factors which, if addressed, would significantly improve project implementation chances” (Pinto & Slevin 1987, 22). Peffers et al. (2003, 55) indicate that: Senior managers have found CSFs to be appealing for IS planning because they help justify the development of strategically important new systems, the benefits of which may be hard to quantify In the context of ERP, CSFs for ERP adoption are defined as “factors or conditions that must be satisfied to ensure a successful ERP adoption” (Holland & Light 1999, 31; Finney & Corbet. 2007, 330).

In other words, identification of CSFs is essential for organization to achieve the mission and strategic goals of its business or project. Whereas the mission and

23 goals focus on the aims and what is to be achieved, CSFs focus on the most important areas and get to the very heart of both what to be achieved and how to achieve it.

The term CSF was initially used in data analysis and business analysis. Since then, it had been used extensively by various areas. In information system (IS) discipline, this CSF method helps CEOs specify their own needs for information about issues that are critical to the organization so that systems can be developed to meet those needs. According to Williams & Ramaprasad (1998), “there is a great deal of attention devoted to the concept in the IS literature as many argue that the use of CSF can have a major impact on the design, development, and implementation of IS” (Williams & Ramaprasad 1998, according to Esteves 2004, 47).


CSFs for ERP adoption

ERP adoption is a process of great complexity, with many conditions and factors potentially affecting on the process. If these conditions are absent, they can generate some problems during adopting the new system. Therefore, it has been an increasing demand for research into the ERP success area, motivated by the high failure rate noticed on ERP adoption. (Somers, Nelson & Ragowsky 2000, according to Nah & Lau 2003, 6.)

Several authors have been studying the adoption process and its CSFs with the aim to enhance ERP adoption worldwide: Holland and Light (1999, 31), Shanks and Parr (2000, 299), Somers and Nelson (2001, 7), Nah et al. (2001, 295), etc. As a result, there have been many CSFs found in research studies. They represent different aspects of ERP adoption: people, technical issue, culture, management, communication, hardware and software. The common point is that many CSFs are interrelated; thus, missing out one factor can affect on others and the whole project. (Nah & Lau 2003, 9; Finney & Corbet 2007, 329.)

24 One of the most extensive studies is the model of Holland and Light (1999, 31). They conducted some case studies implementing ERP systems across a range of industries. Holland and Light proposed a CSF research framework where CSFs were grouped into strategic and tactical factors. Figure 8 presents their findings.

Note: BPC = Business Process Change

FIGURE 8. A critical success factors model with strategic and tactical factors (Holland & Light 1999, 31).

Using the responses from 86 organizations implementing ERP, Somers and Nelson (2001) described the importance of critical success factors across ERP life cycle. They summed up a list of 22 CSFs for ERP adoption. Five most important CSFs were: top management support, project team competence, interdepartmental cooperation, clear goals and objectives and project management. (Somers & Nelson 2001, 7.)

Finney and Corbett (2007) reviewed 70 articles and 45 articles were considered to contain success factors. Totally, 26 CSFs categories were found. Table 3 below summarizes their results. (Finney & Corbet 2007, 340.)

25 TABLE 3. Frequency analysis of CSFs in literature (Finney & Corbet 2007, 340).

Critical success factor

Number of instances cited in literature

Top management commitment and support


Change management


BPR and software configuration


Training and job redesign


Project team: the best and brightest


Implementation strategy and timeframe


Consultant selection and relationship


Visioning and planning


Balanced team


Project champion


Communication plan


IT infrastructure


Managing cultural change


Post-implementation evaluation


Selection of ERP


Team morale and motivation


Vanilla ERP


Project management


Troubleshooting/crises management


Legacy system consideration


Data conversion and integrity


System testing


Client consultation


Project cost planning and management


Build a business case


Empowered decision makers


Note: BPR = Business Process Reengineering

26 Through an extensive literature review, the author identified eight CSFs for further discussion and analysis in the case study: visioning and planning, top management support and commitment, change management, IT infrastructure, ERP teamwork and composition, BPR and minimal customization, external competence and partnership, and end-users: involvement, education and training. As can be seen, some CSFs were the combination of two or more CSFs above. Table 4 presented eight CSFs and their key authors in literature that the author adapted from Nah et al. 2001 and developed it based on his proposal.

TABLE 4. Review on CSFs for ERP adoption (adapted from Nah et al. 2001, 288).




Somers and Nelson (1999, 7)





Falkowski et al. (1998)




Holland and Light (1999, 31)





Nah et al. (2001, 289-293)





Shanks and Parr (2000, 299)



Rosario 2000


Remus (2007, 541-549)


Woo (2007, 439) Francoise (2009, 381-387)


End-users: involvement, education and training


External competence and partnership

Bingi et al. (1999)

BPR and minimal customization

ERP teamwork and composition

IT infrastructure

Change management

Visioning and planning


Top management support and commitment


































Note: BPR = Business Process Reengineering, IT = Information Technology

27 As different factors are important in different phases, it is necessary to classify the eight CSFs identified into the ERP adoption process. Figure 9 shows the classification of these factors into an integrated framework.



2 l k l k DECISION





l Visioning and planning


Top mgt

k Change mgt


IT infrastructure


BPR & minimal customization

Teamwork & lcomposition k

External competence & partnership



k 2 2 2

2 management; End-users = End-users: involvement, Note: Top mgt = Top management support and commitment; Change mgt = Change education and training. FIGURE 9. Classification of CSFs in the ERP adoption process (adapted from Markus & Tanis‟s model 2000, according to Nah et al. 2001, 290).

29292 2 5.3


Conceptual framework

k The conceptual framework reveals the main objective of this study which


examines the importance of 8 identified CSFs above to the success of the case‟s k l ERP adoption. This framework is shown in figure 10. k l Visioning and planning

k k

Top management support and



k l

Change management

k IT infrastructure


ERP teamwork and



l k 2 2 2

BPR and minimal customization External competence and partnership End-users: involvement, education and training

FIGURE 10. The conceptual framework (adapted from Thong et al. 1996, according to Ifinedo 2008, 554).


30 5.4

Discussions on identified CSFs

5.4.1 Visioning and planning Visioning and planning is needed throughout the ERP adoption process. It is important to have a clear business plan and vision to steer the direction of the project. This plan should state strategic and tangible benefits, resources, costs, risks, and timeline. Besides, it is needed to have a clear business model describing how the company will operate after the implementation stage (Buckout et al. 1999, Holland et al. 1999, Wee 2000, according to Nah et al. 2001, 291.)

Additionally, business plan and long-term vision should determine goals and company‟s feasibility of the project. Furthermore, it must be defined as the company‟s most important project and all decisions made regarding it must be achieved consensus in advance from the whole management team (Collins 2001, according to Remus 2007, 542). Next, objectives must be specific to the scope of the project, the end-users need to be affected and the time line should be practical and formulated (Francoise 2009, 383).

Overall, the following characteristics for this factor can be summarized: -

A clear business plan and vision steer the direction of the project.


Business plan should state strategic and tangible benefits, resources, costs, risks and timeline.


A clear business model describes how the company will operate after implementation.


Business plan and vision should determine goals and company‟s feasibility of the project.


The ERP project is defined as the most important project.


Objectives must be specific to the scope of the project, the end-users need to be affected


Timeline should be practical and formulated

31 5.4.2 Top management support and commitment Top management support and commitment is one of the two most widely accepted CSFs. This factor emphasizes the importance of support and commitment from top managers and senior managers who involve in the strategic planning and are also technically oriented. (Yusuf et al. 2004, according to Finney & Corbett 2007, 335.)

Top management support and commitment is needed throughout the ERP adoption process because the project must receive approval and align with strategic business goals. Top managers must commit themselves to involve in the project for allocating the required personnel resource for implementation and giving appropriate time to finish the job. A share vision of the company and the role of the new system and structures should be communicated between managers and employees. Moreover, top managers should be the persons to harmonize any conflicts between internal and external parties. (Bingi 1999, Buckhout 1999, Sumner 1999, Roberts & Barrar 1992, according to Nah et al. 2001, 291.)

Top management should not entrust their duties of ERP implementation to their technological departments because it is more than a technological challenge. Project planning, forming the project team, choosing the ERP package and the ERP implementer, the project sponsor and supervisor are among the duties that can only be done by top managers. (Woo 2007, 435.)

The following characteristics for this factor can be summarized: -

Highly support and approval from top management is required during the adoption process.


Top management should not entrust the tasks in the ERP implementation.


Top managers must commit to involve in the project and allocate the required personnel resources.


Top managers should be the persons to harmonize any conflicts between internal and external team members.

32 -

The new company‟s structure and roles should be communicated to employees.

5.4.3 Change management Change management is the other most widely accepted CSF. Implementing an ERP system also means there will some changes in company. Change management is a method or procedure to manage the transition from using old systems to adopting new ones effectively. In ERP adoption, this factor refers the need for a company and its employees ready for changes. Specifically, a company should formally prepare as soon as possible a change management program to deal with the complex organizational problems of employees‟ resistance, confusion and redundancies, and errors regarding to the new system. Top managers can inform employees about the new project in early stages or build user acceptance through education about the benefits and need for an ERP system in order to get positive attitudes towards it. Change program should cover endusers involvement and training in the implementation stage and they must be regularly supported from top management or implementation team. The project planning must be looked upon as a change management initiative not an IT initiative. (Aladwani 2001, 269; Remus 2007, 541; Nah et al. 2001, AbdinnourHelm et al. 2003, Ross & Vitale 2000, Kumar et al. 2002, Wood & Caldas 2001, according to Finney & Corbet 2007, 336; Francoise 2009, 382.)

Moreover, managing cultural change is considered a subcategory of change management. It is critical to pay attention to the cultural differences and preferences in each company and its country such as language & culture, government regulations, management style, time zone and labor skills. Management commitment and support is the crucial factor to ensure the necessary conditions for effective change brought by the ERP project into the company. (Aladwani 2001, 272; Sheu et al. 2003, according to Sheu et al. 2005, 2; Finney & Corbet 2007, 336)

33 The following characteristics for this factor can be summarized: -

A company and its employees should be ready for changes.


A company should inform its employees about the project in advanced.


Change program should cover end-users involvement and training in the implementation stage and they must be regularly supported.


The project planning must be looked upon as a change management initiative not an IT initiative


Change program must manage cultural changes.

5.4.4 IT infrastructure The issue of IT infrastructure is one of the reasons for high failure rate of ERP adoption. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate company‟s current IT readiness, including architecture and skills, before implementation. Since ERP implementation involves a complex transition from legacy systems and business processes to an integrated infrastructure and common business process throughout a company, it is necessary to upgrade or revamp the poorly current IT infrastructure. (Huang et al. 2004, according to Woo 2007, 432; Siriginidi 2000a, b, Somers & Nelson 2001, Tarafdar & Roy 2003, Somers & Nelson 2004, Bajwa et al. 2004, according to Finney & Corbet 2007, 338.)

The following characteristics for this factor can be summarized: -

IT infrastructure must be evaluated beforehand so that it satisfies the requirements of the ERP system.

5.4.5 ERP teamwork and composition This is another widely cited CSF in literature review since ERP project is a big project in a company and it may involve all functional departments in that company. The project team must contain a mix of internal and external staffs so that internal staffs can develop technical skills for design, implementation and later usage. The internal staffs should be a mix of technical, business experts and end-users from different business units in company. Moreover, they should be balanced and key staffs in the company. Further, the project team should be

34 empowered in decision making for continuous implementation progress. External staffs should contain well-known ERP implementers, vendors and consultants. (Falkowski et al. 1998, Bingi et al. 1999, Buckhout et al. 1999, Rosario 2000, Shanks et al. 2000, Wee 2000, according to Nah & Lau 2003, 12; Finney & Corbet 2007, 337; Woo 2007, 436.)

Besides, the project team must be dedicated to work full time on the project. Therefore, they need to be supported, encouraged, and rewarded to maintain high enthusiasm during implementation. Communication among various parties is also vital and need to be managed by regular meetings or seminars. (Nah & Lau 2003, 12; Alexis Leon 2008, 542.)

Additionally, project manager appointed should be experienced, mix of business and IT knowledge, strong leadership skills and have adequate authority to manage all aspects of the project. Besides, the project manager must be mix of technical, business and change management requirements. It is also important that he must understand the company‟s business process. A competent project manager has crucial role in ERP implementations (Nah & Lau 2003, 18; Remus 2007, 544; Woo 2007, 436; Francoise 2009, 381.)

The following characteristics for this factor can be summarized: -

The project team should be mix of internal and external staffs.


Internal staffs should be mix of cross-functional key staffs and should have both business and IT skills.


The project team should be empowered to do the tasks.


The project team should be dedicated to the project.


The ERP team should be given compensations and incentives.


Good communication among team members.


The project manager should be experienced, mix of business and IT knowledge, strong leadership skills and have adequate authority.

35 5.4.6 BPR and minimal customization A process is “a lateral or horizontal organizational form that encapsulates the interdependence of tasks, roles, people, departments and functions required to provide a customer with a product or service”. A business process is “comprised of the people who conduct it, the tools they use to assist them, the procedures they follow and the flows of material and information between the various people, groups and sub-activities”. Business process includes operational and infrastructure process. Operational process refers to business functions such as product development, order management, and customer support whereas infrastructure process is more administrative including establishing and implementing strategy and managing human resources or physical assets. (Earl 1994, 13; Tjaden et al. 1996, according to Pastor et al. 2002, 2; Olson 2004, according to Yingjie 2005, 27.) According to Hammer & Champy (1993), BPR is “the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed” (Hammer & Champy 1993, 32). The importance of BPR is to create the best way of doing business, so it changes the way of working of a company. Kale (2000) emphasizes “the most important outcome of BPR has been viewing business activities as more than a collection of individual or even functional tasks; it has engendered the process-oriented view of business” (Kale 2000, 132). To be clear, the company‟s business strategy indicates what it wants to do, BPR indicates how to do it and the ERP system answers the question with what. There are several modeling techniques used in BPR process: data flow oriented methods (dataflow diagrams, flowcharts), object oriented methods (use case diagram, state chart diagram, and activity diagram) and control flow oriented methods (swimlane diagrams) (Weske 2007, 347).

ERP systems provide best practices in doing business for industry domains, not for a specific company. Therefore, many companies consider customizing the ERP software to fit its business characteristics or even to its business processes.

36 In literature, BPR and minimal customization is the third most commonly cited CSF. In order to obtain full benefits of ERP implementation, it is advised to reengineer the existing business processes to best practices integrated on the system. Firstly, the ERP system itself can not improve the company‟s performance without reengineering the current business process. Another reason is that modification of the software will cause some problems including software license cost, code errors, maintenance and difficulty in upgrading to newer versions and releases. Once the ERP system is in use, BPR should be continued with new ideas and updates to get full benefits of the system. All in all, company should be willing to change its business processes to fit the software in order to minimize the degree of customization needed. (Bingi et al. 1999, Holland et al. 1999, Murray & Coffin 2001, Roberts & Barrar 1992, Shanks et al. 2000, according to Nah & Lau 2003, 11; Finney & Corbet 2007, 338; Francoise 2009, 384.)

The following characteristics for this factor can be summarized: -

Doing BPR and aligning the business processes with the ERP software.


Doing minimal customization to the software.

5.4.7 External competence and partnership Due to the complexity of implementing an ERP system, it is necessary for company cooperate with the ERP consultant except the ERP implementer and the ERP vendor. The ERP consultant or advisory firm should be involved as soon as company realizes its needs for ERP project. The role of ERP consultants is to consult company in defining new business process and choosing the suitable ERP package. Therefore, the consultant should have multiple skills covering functional, technical issues and in-depth knowledge of the software. Three external parties above should be professional, experienced to provide know-how knowledge and training for internal staffs. The most important thing is to ensure external parties to involve in different stages of the ERP project. Further, it is essential for company to manage its partnership well. Many researchers emphasize the importance of external competence and partnership. (Guang-hui et al. 2006, 558; Trimmer et al. 2002, Bajwa et al. 2004, Kraemmergaard & Rose

37 2002, Al-Mudimigh et al. 2001, Bingi et al. 1999, Skok & Legge 2002, Kalling 2003, Willcocks & Stykes 2000, Motwani et al. 2002, according to Finney & Corbet 2007, 338; Francoise 2009, 387.)

The following characteristics for this factor can be summarized: -

The ERP consultant should have multiple skills covering functional, technical issues and in-depth knowledge of the software


External partners should be experienced and professional.


External partners should involve in different stages of the ERP project.


Company need to manage external partnership well.

5.4.8 End-users: involvement, education and training It is definitely essential for the success of ERP adoption. End-users should be involved in early stage of design and implementation to improve user requirements and understand the new system as well as give feedback from their own point of views to enhance system quality. Since the end-users understand the ideas of new system sooner, they will have positive attitude; their resistance to the new system will be reduced; and training is more easily accepted. Moreover, endusers involvement is helpful in the ERP configuration analysis and in data conversion as well as in system testing. (Pastor et al. 2004, 131; Yingjie 2005, 37; Finney & Corbet 2007, 342; Francoise 2009, 387.)

The aim of education and training for end-users is to help them they gradually get used to new working habits behind the new system. In other words, they should be educated new business processes and know how to use the system properly. Hence, there should have an appropriate plan for training facilities and budget to ensure effective and continuous training for existing end-users and newcomers. Internal IT department and external staffs should play the main role in education and training. Education and training should be a carried out seriously and endusers are supported during training program. Further, management needs to consider how to allocate end-users after the ERP implementation stage. (Yingjie 2005, 34, Finney & Corbet 2007, 339.)

38 According to Yingjie (2005, 35), some difficulties in users training are the diversity of the users (IT skills, age), the complexity of the new systems (interfaces, functions) and different available training methods (web-based virtual training, computer-based training, and video courses).

The following characteristics for this factor can be summarized: -

End-users should be involved in early stage of design and implementation.


End-users should be educated new business processes and know how to use the system properly.


There should have an appropriate plan for training facilities and budget to ensure effective and continuous training for existing end-users and newcomers


Education and training should be a carried out seriously and end-users are supported during training program.


Management needs to consider how to allocate end-users after the ERP implementation stage.

39 6



Company background

According to Euromonitor, a global market research company specializing in industries, countries and consumers, Vinamilk is the leading manufacturer of dairy products in Vietnam. In 2010, its products had 39% of market share, ranging from core dairy products such as liquid and powdered milk, to value-added dairy products such as condensed milk, drinking and spoon yoghurt, ice cream, and cheese. Since commencing operation in 1976, Vinamilk have grown strongly with compound annual growth rate of 7% and now it was producing 570,406 tons annually with more than 4000 employees.

In 2010, Vinamilk had gross sales of 575 million US dollars, and net income of 129 million US dollar and, its market value accounts for 1.56 billion US dollar. The company has also been designated as both a Famous Brand and one of the Top 100 Strongest Brands in Vietnam.


ERP project description

The ERP project of Vinamilk was started from 15th of March 2005 to 1st of January 2007 and total investment was 3.6 million US dollar including hardware upgrade, software and other costs. The success criteria used was good system quality, information quality and impact on individual employee, single department that Oracle is implemented and the whole company. Figure 11 illustrates the implementation success measurement applied to Vinamilk.


System quality ERP Systems Success

Information quality Individual impact Workgroup impact Organizational impact

FIGURE 11. ERP implementation success applied (Vinamilk 2011).

For implementing the Oracle EBS system, there were three companies cooperated with Vinamilk: the ERP implementer – Pythis, the ERP vendor – Oracle, and the sole advisory firm – KPMG. After considering a number of different ERP packages, Vinamilk chose to implement the following main applications of Oracle E-Business Suite:

Financial and accounting management -

General Ledger


Fixed Assets


Accounts Payable


Accounts Receivable


Cash Management

Manufacturing management -

Material Requirements Planning/ Master Production Scheduling


Work In Process


Bill of Material


Quality Management


Cost Management

Supply chain management -



Order Management



Business intelligence (BI): analytic and reporting capabilities.

41 6.2.1 Decision planning phase In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Vinamilk experienced a high growth period (25% growth rate during 1998 - 2004.) However, Vinamilk‟s top management recognized that the old systems were not able to deal with the rapidly increasing production. Mr. Tran, IT manager of Vinamilk, shared in the interview: IT modernization was an indispensable issue in long-term business strategy of Vinamilk. Two previous systems, manufacturing and distributing, could not ensure to provide timely and exactly information for processes of manufacturing, managing redundant goods in inventory and marketing. Therefore, top management came to realize the need to implement ERP system to solve these problems. (Mr. Tran 2011). Besides, the ERP adoption was desired to help to improve competitive advantage and management once Vietnam joined WTO. Ms. Ngo, vice president of Vinamilk, added: In 2003, Vietnam was negotiating to join WTO. The company’s strategy was to standardize IT systems, business processes and restructure the company in order to improve the company’s competitiveness. Implementing ERP would support our employees and centralize information from business activities, so that making decision and planning business strategy would be carried out faster and more efficient. (Ms. Ngo 2011). Accordingly, on January 2004 Vinamilk required assistance of KPMG, a global network specializing in providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, to consult the company in implementing the new ERP system. A feasibility analysis and initial BPR was made. The feasibility analysis investigated the requirements of the new system including technology, costs, personnel resource and anticipated some impacts in work processes throughout the company. The aim of BPR was to define new business processes that Vinamilk would comply with. An initial expectation of benefits was also made clear. Vinamilk‟s top management hoped to obtain benefits such as standardizing IT infrastructure, information integration, reducing manufacturing costs, real time management, increasing efficiency and effectiveness in operations, improving competiveness.

42 6.2.2 Acquisition phase Through investigating current IT infrastructure, Vinamilk found that it could not meet the requirements of the new ERP system. On March 2004, a huge investment of 2.5 million US dollar was put on upgrading IT infrastructure. Vinamilk selected IBM to provide solutions for data centers, host computer system, storing system, recovering system and software of application management.

In the middle of 2004, Vietnam was in the last negotiations to join WTO. Vinamilk‟s managers realized that it was appropriate time to initiate the project and in addition, the preparations were ready. In first step, the company formed an acquisition team and named it “VIERP2004”. Ms. Ngo was put in charge of the project effort. Other members consisted of managers of different departments in the company: IT, finance, accounting, logistics, manufacturing, sales and research & development and the representatives of KPMG. The task was to investigate, evaluate and choose the ERP package that most suitable with company‟s IT infrastructure and needs. An ERP implementer was selected based on experience in implementing ERP systems, its partners, and its quantitative, qualitative resources.

A short list of ERP implementers were chosen, contacted, and asked to prepare a demo for the “VIERP2004” team. In final results, the acquisition team chose to implement 4 application modules of Oracle E Business Suite 11i with the support of Pythis – the ERP implementer (implementing tasks, consulting, training, etc), Oracle – the ERP vendor (technical issues.) On 15th of March 2005, an official contract for implementing the Oracle EBS system was signed by Vinamilk and Pythis.

43 6.2.3 Implementation phase Staffing project team During implementation period, Vinamilk formed two primary teams. First, the steering committee was headed by Ms Ngo Thi Thu Trang and included managers of all departments in the company as well as the representatives of KPMG. Second, a 100-person project team consisted of members from IT department and several of each business unit‟s key employees. In that team, there were twenty operators focusing on inputting information. The project members were removed from their daily duties and worked on the project full time. They were divided into 4 sub-teams for different tasks in condition that each sub-team had crossfunctional members. External resource included 20 persons from Pythis, 5 persons from KPMG, 8 persons from Oracle. Ms Ngo Thi Thu Trang was continuously the project supervisor. Mr. Tran Nguyen Son was appointed for the project manager position. He had more than ten years working for Vinamilk and experienced in implementing several IS and ERP projects (co-operating contracts with other companies.) Overall, the project team consisted of 150 persons.

Implementation plan The project was officially initiated on 15th of March 2005. A clear project plan was developed based on clear project goals, scope, timeline, budget and personnel. It was planned to take 22 months to implement the system completely. Initial investment excluding IT infrastructure upgrade was nearly one million US dollar. All risk factors and contingency plan were also defined. The plan also stated incentive policies for the project team. There were four modules to be implemented: financial and accounting management, manufacturing management, supply chain management and BI. The scope was to implement the system in thirteen different locations: the headquarters of Vinamilk, inventories and its factories throughout the country. Table 5 below summarizes the implementation plan for the Oracle EBS system.

44 TABLE 5. Plan for implementing the Oracle EBS system of Vinamilk (Vinamilk 2011).

FACTOR Modules to be implemented Total investment ($) Implementation duration Project members Scope of implementation

PLAN 4 $1M 21 months 150 13 locations

Implementation approach In order to implement the Oracle EBS, the phased approach was used. As Mr. Tran explained: It was too difficult to implement the Oracle system in thirteen different locations at once. Some factories were located in Ha Noi and other provinces while the headquarters of the company was in Ho Chi Minh City. In addition, we could go back to use the old systems in case the new system would not function well. (Mr. Tran 2011) In the beginning, the sub-module of supply chain management was implemented for logistic department. Manufacturing management, financial and accounting management and BI were then implemented.

BPR and customization Since Vinamilk planned to reengineer of its business processes extensively, „as-is‟ analysis was not necessary to be done. Instead, there was little change in software code to ensure the system satisfy the Vietnamese financial and reporting regulations. Project team tried to align business processes most suitably to the system. By using business process modeling techniques, new business processes were illustrated by Unified Modeling Laguage (UML) diagrams. Figure 12 below illustrates an example of collecting money process (through banks, cash) in sub module accounts receivable in the module finance and accounting management.


FIGURE 12. Collecting money process in the accounts receivable module of the Oracle EBS system (Vinamilk 2011).

Creating master data and report format Master data was the key business information. In the case of Vinamilk, it included customers, suppliers, distributors, products, employees, username, responsibility and approve hierarchy (contractual approval). Besides, Pythis had to create over 300 new reporting formats for accounting, financial, inventory, ordering, purchasing, etc. All reporting formats must be complied with all regulations of the Ministry of Finance, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Set up application, configuration and integration Each sub module was set up and configured for suitable working environments of end-users. The interfaces of input were kept in English but outputting interfaces were changed into Vietnamese. Then, all modules were integrated. The job firstly faced a lot of troubles in linking some modules.

Testing After fixing problems in integrating modules, trial runs were carried out based on several test scripts or test cases. Later, new systems were run in parallel with old ones to compare their outputs. Integration test was also performed to ensure all

46 modules function well. The test phase had strongly support from Oracle technical staffs.

Go live On 1st of January 2007, Vinamilk claimed that the Oracle EBS system went „live‟ and functioned smoothly. Table 6 below summarizes the actual results after implementing the Oracle EBS system successfully.

TABLE 6. Actual results after successful implementation (Vinamilk 2011).

FACTOR Modules to be implemented Total investment ($) Implementation duration Project members

RESULTS 4 $ 1.1 M 21.5 months 150

Scope of implementation

13 locations



Education & training Before the implementation date, all employees had been informed about the event so that they would not be astonished. Top management also prepared the budget for substantial training. 22-month implementation schedule contained 7 weeks of main training. All employees (even IT staff) based on their departments were alternatively trained to use new system and educated new processes. IT department had responsibility of supporting users. Mr. Tran emphasized the importance of training: Education and training were important issues in implementing new system. Local managers were not allowed to pull employees from training despite of what business problem arose. The users must master all manipulations relating to their job. (Mr. Tran 2011)

47 Data conversion This was important task required for the migration from old systems to the Oracle EBS system. Twenty operators were appointed to input the data based on master data created already. Their jobs were rechecked to ensure high quality data.

Implementation challenges Ms. Ngo, project supervisor, indicated some obstacles in implementing the system: “During implementing process, the company faced many obstacles. One of the main ones related to acquire new knowledge and to adapt with new processes.”

Mr. Nguyen, manager of Pythis, also shared some experience obtaining from this project: The main challenges came from implementing the system at thirteen different locations which were far from each others, and the software interface was in English. It required a lot of training so that employees could manipulate their tasks easily. (Mr. Nguyen 2011). 6.2.4 Use and maintenance phase From Vinamilk‟s documentation, the Oracle EBS system was fully functioned on 1st of January 2007. The system has been maintained regularly in three months. User training continued to be done.

After five months in using new systems, benefits were realized. Some main benefits below were summarized from interviews and Vinamilk‟s documentation:


Improving productivity of manufacturing, sales, finance, purchasing, accounting and ordering by 20%.


Reducing work in process by 40%.


Operational reports were processed much faster. After implementing the Oracle EBS system, monthly statement preparation was reduced from 30 days to 3 days.

48 -

Real-time management and data accuracy were realized


Improving gross margin by 10% of total sales


IT staffs obtained a lot of knowledge and experience.


In accounting, the system helped to minimize risks. With obvious decentralization, operations in accounting and finance were more smoothly than previous.



IT infrastructure was synchronized, standardized and strengthened.

CSFs analysis

Based on interviews, project‟s documentations and literature review, the proposed CSFs are going to be analyzed to check how they were managed and how they influenced on the adoption of the Oracle EBS system. For each factor analysis, there is a table to present summarized characteristics according to the required data in theories.

6.3.1 Visioning and planning Overall, top managers and Pythis president emphasized the importance of visioning and planning while most of employees were unsure about its influence on the success of the project. They knew that there was a plan to implement the system but, they could not had chance to see how clear and detailed it was.

TABLE 7. Factor 1– Visioning and planning.

Visioning and planning


A clear business plan and vision steer the direction of the project


Business plan should state strategic and tangible benefits, resources, costs, risks and timeline A clear business model describing how the company will operate after implementation Business plan and vision should determine goals and company‟s feasibility of the project




49 ERP is defined as the most important project Objectives must be specific to the scope of the project, the endusers need to be affected Time line should be practical and formulated

-/+ -/+ +/+

+/+ = Mentioned as a factor -/+ = Not mentioned as a factor, but considered important

According to Mr. Tran (2011), visioning and planning were really important for any project, not only for IT project specifically. This factor contains a set of prerequisite activities that would influence to other activities in later stages. Specifically, Vinamilk‟s top managers had clear determination of the scope for the implementation, its corresponding budget and personnel resources and, time of readiness for implementation. With clear scope for the implementation, the ERP package was selected suitably. As ERP project was initiated, we had clear plan with all specified goals and objectives of project, costs and budget, timeline and specified resources, and contingency plan for managing risks factors. The planned budget also covered training for both current employees and new employees. Since a project was envisioned and planned carefully, risks were lessened and thus, increasing the ability of success.

After decision for adopting the ERP system had been made, a business plan was created to outline some strategic benefits, resources, costs, risks, timeline and new processes that Vinamilk should operate behind the ERP implementation. This plan steered the direction of the project and thus, it was important to the success of our project. (Ms. Ngo 2011.)

Additionally, visioning and planning were practical and detailed to ensure that all the tasks were under controls. In most of failed ERP projects previously, there were some cases where timeline for project completion was set so optimistic, or even unrealistic and leading to extend implementing period. This meant more jobs, more costs and less enthusiasm. Visioning and planning also referred to expectations of top managers on the system. The higher they expected on the system, the more risky the project had. Vinamilk was not in those cases and it contributed to the success of the project. (Mr. Nguyen 2011.)

50 6.3.2 Top management support and commitment TABLE 8. Factor 2 – Top management support and commitment.

Top management support and commitment


Top management should not entrust the tasks in the ERP implementation. Highly support and approval from top management is required during the adoption process. Top managers must commit to involve in the project and allocate the required personnel resource Top managers should be the persons to harmonize any conflicts between internal and external team members New company‟s structure and roles should be communicated to employees






+/+ = Mentioned as a factor -/+ = Not mentioned as a factor, but considered important

All respondents did agree that top management support and commitment was so critical to the success of Vinamilk‟s project. Firstly, it was noticed that in early steps of the implementation, a steering committee group was formed to direct the implementation process. Ms Trang noted: “to ensure successful implementation, in addition to spend money, you had to take care of the details”. Besides the support of outside partners, top managers of Vinamilk created best conditions for project team to do their jobs. The company had clear plan for personnel, costs and incentive policies. In Vinamilk, there was a high support and approval from top management. All changes during and after the project were informed to all Vinamilk‟s employees.

Top management support and commitment was considered the most important factor for the entire ERP project life cycle because only top managers could make decisions for main issues such as planning for project, budget, time plan, the ERP vendor and consultant selection and personnel resources. Vinamilk‟s top managers usually paid special attention to the project and gave instant support to

51 any problems occurred and infused enthusiasm into all team members. Once there was a conflict between internal and external parties, top managers played an intermediary role to harmonize the atmosphere. Moreover, allocating personnel resource was also a thorny issue for top managers. Normally, implementing an ERP system required a great numbers of personnel resources and when the system was implemented already, how they would be allocated? (Mr. Nguyen 2011.)

6.3.3 Change management TABLE 9. Factor 3 – Change management.

Change management


Company and its employees should be ready to changes. Company should inform its employees about the project in advanced. Change program should cover end-users involvement and training in the implementation stage and they must be regularly supported. The project planning must be looked upon as a change management initiative not an IT initiative. Change program must manage cultural changes.

+/+ +/+


-/+ +/+

+/+ = Mentioned as a factor -/+ = Not mentioned as a factor, but considered important

ERP implementation also meant that there would be surely a significant impact on the whole company, from processes, procedures to all employees and departments. Hence, Vinamilk tried to execute different strategies for all employees to get familiar to oncoming changes. Firstly, Vinamilk informed all the employees that the company was going to implement the system. Later, seminars were held for them to get to know about the new system, its benefits to the company and to themselves and how their normal habits in doing their jobs would be changed. This preparation not only prevented employees‟ resistance to the system, but also developed strong feelings toward accepting and adopting it. Secondly, the employees were put into hands-on training where they had a chance to get real experience about the quality attributes of the system and its potential

52 benefits. Lastly, there were two advantages for end- users to participate in the implementation process. On one side, they understood the system sooner; the training was therefore more easily accepted. On the other side, they feel that they had important role in the project and this ensure their valuable commitment. As a result, most of the employees and the departments had been doing their good jobs in new system. (Ms. Ngo, 2011.)

Change management also referred to manage cultural issues. ERP systems were designed by western countries and it worked based on their culture – a professional style. The challenges for most of Vietnamese companies were weak management, so detailed processes and traditional working habits. ERP systems required close and accurate process, and this usually troubles the employees. Through seminars and training, Vinamilk gradually helped the employees adapt and master the new system. (Mr. Nguyen, 2011.)

6.3.4 IT infrastructure TABLE 10. Factor 4 – IT infrastructure.

IT infrastructure


IT infrastructure must be evaluated beforehand so that it satisfies the requirements of the ERP system.


+/+ = Mentioned as a factor

IT infrastructure modernization was considered important factor for the project‟s success by all respondents. Once the system was implemented, all information would be integrated. Therefore, hardware system must ensure for storing such huge data and its processes. Besides, internet networks should be stable, fast and high secure. Due to those requirements were satisfied, it would be much advantageous to the implementation stage and use and maintenance stage. Specifically, there had been no breakdowns occurred and implementation time was reduced. The remaining issue was to train people to learn how to operate it smoothly. Vinamilk equipped main data center and another one for backup. Each possessed the current latest IBM server – IBM System p, p meant high

53 performance – and storage system IBM DS8100 having capacity 10 terabytes, weight of 1 ton. (Mr. Tran, 2011.)

A synchronized and standardized IT infrastructure was so important before initiating the project. This could be compared with building a new house where IT infrastructure was the base and the remaining tasks were to install and to configure the software to best fit that base. (Mr. Nguyen, 2011.)

6.3.5 ERP teamwork and composition TABLE 11. Factor 5 – ERP teamwork and composition.

ERP teamwork and composition


The project team should be mix of internal and external staffs. Internal staffs should be mix of cross-functional key employees and should have both business and IT skills.

+/+ +/+

The project team should be empowered to do their tasks.


The project team should be dedicated to the project.


The ERP team should be given compensations and incentives.


Good communication among team members.


The project manager should be experienced, mix of business and IT knowledge, strong leadership skills and have adequate


authority. +/+ = Mentioned as a factor -/+ = Not mentioned as a factor, but considered important

Another widely agreed factor that impacted on the success of the implementation is ERP teamwork and composition. In addition to IT infrastructure, the issue of personnel resource preparation had been initiated soon. Those employees potentially chosen for the project would be handed over their tasks to juniors or coworkers to ensure normal operations during the implementation period and team members could work full time on the project. Incentive policies were also

54 given to project team to encourage them working more positively on the project. (Ms. Ngo 2011.)

Internal team members were staffed from key employees of cross-functional departments, so they could share information to other departments and prevent any conflicts during implementation. This communication was important because all four modules implemented were integrated closely. If there was a little change in one module, it would affect the others. Besides, these key players would be crucial factors in user training, and controlling new system in future. Overall, all respondents mentioned that team members were a mix of experienced business and technical staffs, could flexible for changes. Project team also contained external staffs – Pythis, Oracle and KPMG. Their roles were no doubt important to provide training, knowledge to internal staffs, so that they could master the new system after finishing the project.

Project manager was the most important member in project team. Mr. Tran had experienced in participating in different IS projects in Vinamilk and cooperating projects. In addition, he had worked for Vinamik for many years, so he was so familiar with the company‟s processes.

According to Mr. Nguyen (2011), Vinamilk assigned a balanced and specialized project team member. IT staffs were hard-working, professional and positive working attitude. In many case companies, their managers thought that the duties of implementation by default belonged to ERP implementers. They simply bought the software and hired implementers and later, they would have new system in a next few months. As a result, those projects could not be carried out.

55 6.3.6 BPR and minimal customization TABLE 12. Factor 6 – BPR and minimal customization.

BPR and minimal customization


Doing BPR and aligning the business processes with the ERP software. Doing minimal customization to the software.

+/+ +/+

+/+ = Mentioned as a factor -/+ = Not mentioned as a factor, but considered important

Another factor got common opinions from interviews was BPR and minimal customization. Firstly, the importance of BPR was to define new business processes for Vinamilk in the early decision planning phase and from that point, the Oracle EBS system was selected as the best fit with the requirements. Then, by using business process modeling tools BPR helped to diagrammatize the new process and most of respondents said that BPR was the most difficult task in the implementation stage.

As mentioned earlier, there was minimal change in the software. This minimal change had some advantages. Foremost, new business processes were satisfied. Second, it was easier for the implementing tasks and maintenance because all modules were integrated closely, so a change in one could require changes in the others. This was not to mention that Vinamilk must pay huge costs for license and maintenance in case of changing the codes. Therefore, the implementation duration and budget would be ensured. Third, this minimal change would facilitate updating subsequent versions of the Oracle EBS system. Next, minimal change would enhance the ERP interface quality; specifically English was translated into Vietnamese. This led to better users‟ satisfaction and data quality. Ultimately, integrated processes in the Oracle EBS could give Vinamilk a chance to standardize the company‟s processes.

56 6.3.7 External competence and partnership TABLE 13. Factor 7 – External competence and partnership.

External competence and partnership The ERP consultant should have multiple skills covering functional, technical issues and in-depth knowledge of the software.

Evaluated -/+

External partners should be experienced and professional.


External partners should involve in different stages of the project.


Company need to manage external partnership well.


+/+ = Mentioned as a factor -/+ = Not mentioned as a factor, but considered important

According to Ms. Ngo (2011), the project was supported dedicatedly by sole advisory firm – KPMG, the ERP implementer – Pythis and the ERP vendor – Oracle. Firstly, KPMG (www.kpmg.com) is a multinational network specializing in providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. The role of KPMG was to give advice in initial preparations before implementing ERP system such as defining new business processes; choosing suitable ERP package and ERP implementer; documenting contractual agreements. Those supports helped Vinamilk to save time and initial costs. Besides, KPMG supported to create report format for new processes and played an intermediary role in interdepartmental decisions. Overall, the role of KPMG was to simplify and clarify the ERP implementation procedures for those companies where the system would be implemented in the first time.

Next, Pythis (http://pythis.com/webpythis/) was the current leader in implementing software solutions in Vietnam. Moreover, Pythis was the best partner of Oracle in Vietnam. Why these two factors were important? Pythis‟s experience in implementing various software solutions including the ERP would help Vinamilk avoid some mistakes of Pythis‟s previous customers and get higher quality service. In addition, its personnel resource was abundant to undertake all the tasks. As the best partner of Oracle in Vietnam at that time, Pythis were handed over substantial technology, knowledge and authority from Oracle‟s products. In Vinamilk‟s project, the important contributions of Pythis were to

57 match the system and new business processes; creating 300 report formats; provide knowledge for internal IT staff and user training. Especially, the tasks for analyzing business processes and procedures of Vinamilk required an experienced and professional consultant. Additionally, the project had supported considerably by Oracle Vietnam. Product support and troubleshooting were the main contributions.

6.3.8 End-users: involvement, education and training TABLE 14. Factor 8 – End-users: involvement, education and training.

End-users: involvement, education and training End-users should be involved in early stage of design and implementation. End-users should be educated new business processes and know how to use the system properly.

Evaluated +/+


There should have an appropriate plan for training facilities and budget to ensure effective and continuous training for existing end-


users and newcomers. Education and training should be a carried out seriously and endusers are supported during training program. Management needs to consider how to allocate end-users after the ERP implementation stage.



+/+ = Mentioned as a factor -/+ = Not mentioned as a factor, but considered important -/- = Not mentioned as a factor

All respondents strongly agreed that this factor had substantial impact on the success of project. It is simply that if the company wants to obtain benefits from the system, there must be someone to use and control it in a right way.

First of all, all respondents said that end-users were involved in the early stages of implementation to define user requirements and new processes. By participating in the project, they understood the system better, contributed to enhance system

58 and therefore, they would be more satisfied and accepted with the system. Besides, their participations helped to shorten the implementation time. However, junior respondents also complained that they had more jobs to do and worked extra time.

Next, end-users must be educated new business processes so that they would get rid of their traditional habits when doing their tasks in new system. For example, even though a transaction was processed at the end of working day, it should be input and updated in the system instantly. However, they traditionally thought that it was possible to input this information in the next working day. The aim of education was to ensure data quality because once input data was incorrect, this led to a series of incorrect reports and transactions.

Another important issue was to train end-users. Most of respondents said that training was indispensable not only in the implementation stage but also in later stages. Training in the implementation stage aimed to ensure all employees know how to use the new system, especially for some employees even had no IT skills such as over forty-year-old employees. Training would be important to later stages to solve the problems of losing employees or hiring new ones. Therefore, planned budget also covered this issue. To conclude, training was always needed to maintain skill labors and continuous running of the system.


Statistical results

The small-scale survey attached in appendix 3 resulted in the most critical factors for the successful ERP implementation of Vinamilk. If one factor was marked extremely important, its instance was counted as 1. Table 15 provides the result of the survey. As can be seen, top management support and commitment, change management, external competence and partnership, and ERP teamwork and composition were the most important factors for the success of Vinamilk‟s ERP project. Whereas, visioning and planning, BPR and minimal customization, endusers: involvement, education and training, and IT infrastructure were less important. Remarkably, there was no factor marked as neutral. It consolidated the importance of identified CSFs to the success of the project.

59 TABLE 15. Frequency of CSFs in the Vinamilk‟s ERP project.


CSFs category

Number of instances cited


Top management support and commitment



Change management



External competence and partnership



ERP teamwork and composition



Visioning and planning



BPR and minimal customization



End-users: involvement, education and training



IT infrastructure


60 7




As introduced in early chapters, companies can obtain numerous benefits from successful ERP adoption. Conversely, the project can be a disaster for those companies that fail to manage the adoption process. Wishing to improve the rate of the ERP adoption in Vietnam, this thesis aims to answer the question of what are the critical success factors for the ERP adoption of Vinamilk.

In seeking for the answers, an extensive literature review was conducted to identify the CSFs model. Indispensably, the empirical data is collected from various interviewees‟ perspectives, project‟s documentations and small-scale survey in the company. The findings were derived from the analysis between CSFs model and the empirical data.

As a result, all identified CSFs were found to be critical to the success of the ERP adoption of Vinamilk. Specifically, top management support and commitment, change management, external competence and partnership, and ERP teamwork and composition were the most critical factors for its success whereas visioning and planning, BPR and minimal customization, end-users: involvement, education and training, and IT infrastructure were less critical.

In addition, the study found that maintaining initial scope of the project was important to the success of the project. In particular, there was no change in the initial choice of thirteen locations to be implemented and the phased approach which was used to implement the Oracle EBS system.

61 7.2

Discussion and recommendations

In this section, the author revises the research methodology that he used and give his recommendations based on research findings.

7.2.1 Discussion of the method It is helpful to reflect on the research methodology used. The interviews were conducted with different participants in the project: project manager, project supervisor, representative of the ERP implementer and some representatives of the accounting, manufacturing and logistics departments. Those people were wellinvolved in the project, so they could answer all questions thoroughly. In addition, a small-scale survey was used as a supplementary tool for research findings. Therefore, the author believes that he made a good choice to find reliable results.

In the deductive way of this thesis, one case study seems to be the most effective choice because the empirical data could be obtained more sufficiently, then the analysis would be done more deeply. The author also had a chance to get a deeper understanding of the problem that he wanted to investigate. Moreover, the interviews included the representative of the ERP implementer who had been experienced in ERP adoption in Vietnam, so other case studies were also reflected. Hence, it was not necessary to use multiple cases.

7.2.2 Recommendations Careful preparations for ERP project is never redundant Once the need for the ERP system is realized, a firm needs to be ready before implementing it. The preparation must ensure suitable IT infrastructure, affordable personnel resource and budget for the project. Moreover, it is necessary to investigate experience in ERP adoption from other companies to minimize risks during the adoption process. Some Vietnamese companies failed their ERP projects due to lack of good preparations and practical investigations.

62 The need of sole advisory firms In Vietnam, the participation of sole advisory firms like KPMG in ERP projects has been very limited. Most companies are afraid that such participations will increase budget for the project. Moreover, the role of such firms is rather vague and unreliable. However, as analyzed previously, the benefits which came from a sole professional consultant are substantial in early stages of ERP projects. Therefore, the presence of a sole professional advisory firm would be necessary for those companies where the ERP system is firstly implemented.

Choosing an ERP implementer carefully This is really important in ERP adoption. The ERP implementer must be experienced and professional in implementing ERP systems. They must also be a trusted partner of the ERP vendors. Personnel resources of the ERP implementer must ensure all the tasks in the ERP implementation stage. Lack of experience and personnel resources are two reasons leading to implementation failure in Vietnam.

Ensuring internal support and commitment ERP projects must be supervised and steered directly by top managers to departmental managers. If there is a conflict or divergence between internal and external staffs, this is a time for harmonization and decisiveness of those managers. Top managers must also commit to take part in the project to encourage and support all the project members. In lots of failed ERP implementations previously, some top managers even misunderstood the meaning of the ERP terminology, they simply thought that ERP was just pure software and entrusted the tasks of ERP implementation to IT managers or even IT staffs. If there were any problems relating to business processes or such, those positions could not make decisions and everything must be submitted and waited for approval. Therefore, this not only extended the duration of the process but also made the project team more tired and unenthusiastic.

63 Ensuring effective change management It is sure that the presence of the new ERP system will affect many aspects in a company from business processes, procedures to staffs‟ roles. Therefore, companies need to have a flexible strategy to create the best conditions for all the members to adapt to the new system gradually. For example, companies may firstly identify and evaluate the attitudes of end-users to define the sources of their resistance to the new system. The company may help end-users get familiar to the new system through different strategies of communication such as informing of the presence of the new system and its benefits or giving a general description of how the system will work. Besides, careful timing of the introduction of the new system is also helpful. Education, hands-on training and top management commitment are part of effective change management. Without effective change management, ERP adoption may easily lead to failure.

Staffing an effective project team In addition to the presence of the external staffs, the project team must be a mix of internal key staffs of different departments in the company to ensure both business and IT skills and enhance communication issues during the implementation process. Those key staffs are the persons who influence directly on the adaptation of end-users to the new system through education, hands-on training and support. The project team also needs to be empowered to not slow down the progress. Moreover, the team needs to be focused on implementing tasks and handing over their daily ones to others. In many cases, underestimating the demands and roles of internal staffs is one of the reasons leading to ERP project failure because they themselves will be the receivers and operators of the new system.

Doing BPR and ensure minimal customization Improving business process is the basic reason for adopting the ERP system. Consequently, old business processes will be surely changed, the only difference is whether the change is extensive or minimal. Therefore, BPR must be done to define new business processes and align them to the ERP system. BPR is important in the early phase from decision planning to implementation. In case that company is not satisfied with the new system or new business processes, BPR will be carried out again.

64 Another issue associated with BPR is software customization. Since no ERP software is likely to meet all needs of a company, there exists a thorny issue: should business processes or the ERP software be changed? It can be stated that there is no generally optimal solution because it depends on the suitability of the company‟s characteristics and the ERP software. In case of large Vietnamese companies, they are in accordance with modern ERP systems. Vinamilk is a sample where extensive business processes and minimal software customization are carried out. On the contrary, the simple and easy-to-customize ERP software is more suitable for small and medium-sized Vietnamese companies. Whatever model a company belongs to, minimal customization must be ensured because if software is modified there will be costs of software license, system upgrade, maintenance and support. It is not to mention whether the modified software functions well or not. It is advised to choose the ERP package that is most suitable for the company‟s needs and conditions so that minimal customization is ensured.

In reality, many Vietnamese companies usually care about reputation of the ERP vendors rather than specifications of the software. As a result, over-customization is requested and the ERP project cannot be progressed because of increasing costs and complex issues in customization.

Ensuring involvement, education and training of end-users Before implementing the ERP project, end-users should be involved in defining user requirements. Early acknowledgment of the new system will increase positive attitudes towards accepting it and create a chance to enhance the system quality. Education and training for end-users must be carried out seriously for them to learn new business processes and software interfaces which impact on the operations of the company. After implementing the system, training is also needed to ensure continuous operations of the company. Simulation and scenario are two useful methods in training staffs. In case of numerous end-users, the company can train key staffs first; then they will train the others in the company.

65 Defining clear initial scope and maintaining it Scope is the initial blueprint of an implementation plan. According to this, budget and personnel resources are established. If extending the scope, budget and personnel resource could not ensure completing the project. As a result, the project may be delayed or fail.


Further research studies

This study is limited to investigating the importance of the proposed CSFs to the ERP adoption success of the Vietnamese case. Therefore, the research findings do not reflect truly the state of ERP adoption in Vietnam. Hence, there are still a lot of areas for further research studies.


First of all, large-scale quantitative surveys can be conducted to get more general results. Or, multiple case studies representing successful and unsuccessful ERP projects can be done to find out about CSFs for ERP adoption in Vietnam in general.


Next, it would be helpful to find out the common challenges of Vietnamese companies before implementing ERP systems.


Another interesting issue would be how identified CSFs impact on each other in the ERP adoption process.


Besides, it is necessary to find out how cultural issues impact on ERP adoption in Vietnam.


Finally, further research can discover or examine CSFs in ERP adoption in Vietnamese SMEs. Likewise, it is possible to compare ERP adoption in large companies with that of in SMEs.


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76 List of Interviews Ms. Ngo. 2011. Vice president of Vinamilk – ERP project supervisor. Interview 15 February 2011. Mr. Tran. 2011. IT manager of Vinamilk – ERP project manager. Interview 20 February 2011. Mr. Nguyen. 2011. Director of Pythis – representative of ERP implementer. Interview 18 February 2011.

12 2 l k APENDICES

l k

APPENDIX 1: List of Vietnamese companies implemented ERP until February


2010, brought by http://eac.vn (original source).

k l

Tên công ty Tổng công ty Xăng dầu Việt Nam - Petrolimex

Giải pháp

Đơn vị k




Ngân hang TMCP Quân đội Mbank




Công ty Viễn thông Toàn cầu GTEL




Nova Group















Công ty Sonadezi Châu Đức




Công ty CP Hạt giống Đông Tây




Công ty CP Cấp nước Đà Nẵng – Dawaco






Toàn Mỹ






Tập đoàn Thép Việt



Unilever Việt Nam



Xí nghiệp liên doanh dầu khí Vietsopetro



P&G Việt Nam



Pepsi Việt Nam



Công Ty CP Dịch Vụ Tin Học HPT



Công ty CP Hợp tác Kinh tế và XNK Savimex



Ngân hàng Hàng hải Hải Phòng (MSB)



Ngân hàng Đầu tư và Phát triển Việt Nam



Công ty CP Bánh kҽo Biên Hoà - Bibica

Oracle EBS


Công ty Phát Triển nhà Thủ Đức – Thủ Đức House Phạm Nguyên Ajinomoto Việt Nam Công ty CP Cơ điện lạnh REE

SATO Vietnam

2 Công ty CP Cửa sổ nhựa Châu Âu – EuroWindow

Oracle EBS


Công ty CP Tài Chính và Phát Triển Doanh Nghiệp







Oracle EBS


Công ty CP Thương mại Tổng hợp Vincom



Cty CP Xây dựng và Đầu tư Việt Nam – CAVICO



Công ty CP Bao bì nhựa Tân tiến – Tapack



Công ty CP Thương nghiệp tổng hợp chế biến lương



Panasonic Việt Nam






Công ty TNHH Mía đường Bourbon Tây Ninh



Công ty CP Gạch Đồng Tâm



Oracle EBS


Bộ tài chính (Dự án TABMIS)



Kho bạc Nhà Nước Việt Nam



Sơn Hà



Vàng bạc Đá quý Phú Nhuận - PNJ



Công ty CP Everpia Vietnam

Oracle EBS


Công ty CP Xây dựng và Đầu tư Việt Nam- Cavico

Oracle EBS


Công ty Nhựa Đông Á

Oracle EBS


Công ty bóng đèn Điện Quang



Công ty CP Sản xuất hàng thể thao (Maxport JSC)



Công ty TNHH Minh Hiếu, Hưng Yên





Công ty Supe Phốt phát và Hoá chất Lâm Thao



Công Ty TNHH Du Lӏch & Thương Mại Á Đông



Lộc Hóa dầu Bình Sơn



Công ty CP chứng khoán Gia Phát – GPSC



FBS (Gami Group) DKSH Vietnam (Diethelm Keller Siber Hegner) Công ty CP mía đường Lam Sơn Công ty CP Prime Group


thực Thốt Nốt – Gentraco

Công ty CP Giấy Sài Gòn

Cảng Hải Phòng

(Vidotour Indochina Travel)

3 Công ty CP chứng khoán Sài Gòn – Hà Nội – SHS



Công ty CP chứng khoán Âu Việt – AVSC



Công ty sổ số Bình Dương

Oracle EBS


Công ty may 10

Oracle EBS


Tổng công ty Hàng không Việt Nam

Oracle EBS


Công ty Toyota Viêt nam

Oracle EBS




Trung tâm giao dịch chứng khoán Hà Nội – HASTC



Công ty Vinagame



Công ty ADC



Oracle EBS




Xi măng Hải Vân



Xi măng Nghi Sơn



Công ty CP chứng khoán Sài Gòn SSI



Dệt may Thành Công



Công ty CP Xây dựng & Kinh doanh Địa Ốc Hòa



Công ty CP Đầu tư Công nghệ Giải trí Én Việt



Tập đoàn Gemadept



Dược Sài Gòn Sapharco





Công ty CP bao bì Biên Hòa

Oracle EBS



Oracle EBS


Công ty CP Đồ hộp Hạ Long CANFOCO



Masan Group



Café Trung Nguyên



Saigon Co-op



Công ty CP XNK Y Tế tp Hồ Chí Minh



Công ty TNHH giải pháp CNTT Lộ trình Avenue



HT Mobile



Oracle EBS


Công ty bảo hiểm Bảo Minh

Công ty CP điện – điện tử – tin học Sao bắc Đẩu Công ty CP Cho thuê Tài chính II - Ngân hàng Nông nghiệp và Phát triển Nông thôn Việt Nam (ALC II)


Tập đoàn Tân Tạo

Hutchison Telecoms

4 Sfone



Zamil Steel Vietnam



Tổng Công ty Khoan và dịch vụ Khoan Dầu khí



Oracle EBS


Công ty Chứng khoán Ngân hàng SACOMBANK



Công ty TNHH Paxar Viet Nam



Công ty Xổ Số Kiến Thiết Bình Dương



Tâp đoàn Đầu tư Công nghiệp Việt Á


Pythis &

PVD Canon Viêt Nam

CMCSoft Công ty Đầu tư phát triӇn sản xuất Hạ Long (BIM)

Oracle EBS


Công ty bia Đại Việt

Oracle EBS




Công ty CP Xây dựng Kiến trúc AA

(Global CyberSoft)

Tân Hiệp Phát



Công ty CP Vận tải biển Vitranschart



Tâp đoàn Điện Lực Việt Nam - EVN



Nguyên Bình Group



Lucky Group



Công ty TNHH Ôtô Thế Giới (World Auto)



5 APPENDIX 2: List of interview questions ERP project manager – Mr. Tran

1. What were the reasons for implementing the ERP system? 2. How was the ERP project planned? 3. How was the scope defined? Did it change during the implementation process? 4. What approach used to implement the system? Why? 5. How do you assess management commitment and support to the outcome of the project? - Was a highly support from top management in the project? - How did management involve in implementation? Did they allocate the required personnel resource? - Was management in middle in time of conflict between internal and external members? 6. Was the project planning looked upon as a change management initiative or IT initiative? 7. What IT infrastructure the company had before implementation? Was it evaluated? 8. What needed to be changed: business processes or ERP system? 9. Did you do BPR? 10. Did you change software code? 11. Did the ERP vendor and the consultant involve in different stages of implementation? How do assess their collaboration and support? 12. Were end-users involved in design and implementation of business processes? 13. Was IT staffs trained? Were they beneficial from external support? 14. Were end-users educated new processes and trained how to use the new system? 15. Did the company have an appropriate plan for training facilities and budget to ensure effective and continuous training for existing endusers and newcomers? 16. Were end-users supported during education and trainings?

6 17. How was the communication during implementation? 18. What were the criteria for the implementation success? 19. What experiences did you obtain from the project? ERP supervisor – Ms. Ngo

1. What were the reasons for implementing the ERP system? 2. What was the company‟s expectation from the ERP project? 3. Did the company have business plan for the ERP project? Did it include strategic and tangible benefits, resources, costs, risks and timeline? 4. Did the company communicate new structure and roles to all employees? 5. How did Vinamilk prepare for changes behind the ERP implementation? - Did the company inform its employees about the project? - Were end-users involved and trained in the implementation process? - How were the trainings for IT staffs? 6. How was advisory firm selected? Did they have multiple skills covering functional, technical issues? 7. How was ERP package and ERP implementer selected? 8. What were the roles of external partners in project? - Did they have in-depth knowledge of software? - Was the company able to manage external staffs well? 9. How was the project team selected? - Did the team include cross-functional key employees? Was the team a mix of external and internal staffs? - How was the knowledge of team members: technical, business? - Were team members dedicated to the project? - How was the project team encouraged to do their jobs well? - Was the project team empowered to do the tasks? - How was communication among team members? - How was the project manager selected? 10. How were responsibilities and authorizes assigned to the project team?

7 11. Did top management consider allocating end-users after the ERP project? 12. How do you assess the current system? 13. What experience did you obtain from this project? Pythis manager – Mr. Nguyen

1. According to you, what was the impact of visioning and planning in the ERP project? How was about Vinamilk? 2. How do you assess management commitment and support to the outcome of the project? - Was a highly support from top management in the project? - How did management involve in the implementation? - Was management in middle in time of conflict between internal and external members? 3. What do you think about change management in ERP implementation? 4. How was project team of Vinamilk? 5. Was the ERP software customized? How was the importance of minimal customization in ERP project? 6. What were the main challenges during implementation? 7. What experiences did you obtain from the project?

Departments: IT, Finance & Accounting, Manufacturing and Logistics 1. What is your title in your department? 2. How were your business/ IT skills? 3. At what stage did you involve in the ERP project? 4. Were you encouraged to do your task? Did you work full-time on the project? 5. Did you help end-users in training? 6. Were you educated new business processes? 7. What knowledge you learned from the external staffs? 8. What challenges did you face during implementation? Did you get support from top management? 9. Did you get incentives/compensations to do your tasks?

8 10. How was the communication among team members during implementation? 11. How do you feel about new system?

9 APPENDIX 3: Questionnaire

How do you evaluate the importance of the following factors to the ERP adoption success of Vinamilk?

Factors Visioning and planning Top management commitment and support Change management IT infrastructure ERP teamwork and composition BPR and minimal customization External competence and partnership End-users: involvement, education and training


Somewhat important


Extremely important

12 CSF-Vinamilk Bac Thesis - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2025)


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